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Giving Opportunities

Programs offered by HopeLink are only possible through the generosity of people like you. Your gift will help ensure that HopeLink continues to provide behavioral health, crisis, and suicide intervention services to even more members of our community.

HopeLink is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.

Please consider the different ways you can support the HopeLink mission through giving.

Make a Donation

Send your checks made payable to HopeLink Behavioral Health to our secure lockbox:

HopeLink Behavioral Health
P.O. Box 90040
Charlotte, NC 28290-0040

Or click below to make a secure online donation:

Other Charitable Giving Opportunities

Please designate HopeLink to receive your donation:

Become a Corporate Partner

Join our Corporate Partner Program to sponsor events, support our committees, or engage employees in fundraising or volunteer opportunities.

Donate an Item From Our Wish List

Review and select items from our Wish List to support our work.

Share Your Time and Talents

Explore our Volunteer opportunities – Learn More

For more information about opportunities to donate your time or support our work, contact:
Lauren Padgett, BA, CVA

Director of Resource Development